[gevent] want to pass an argument to greenlets spawned by streamserver
Jerry S
2018-04-08 20:07:39 UTC

I want to be able to pass a dictionary into each greenlet that is spawned
by a new tcp connection. I was thinking of subclassing gevent.StreamServer
and replacing the init_socket routine. Is that the best way to do this?

thanks in advance,
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Jason Madden
2018-04-09 13:24:52 UTC
I want to be able to pass a dictionary into each greenlet that is spawned by a new tcp connection. I was thinking of subclassing gevent.StreamServer and replacing the init_socket routine. Is that the best way to do this?
I doubt it. That's only called once when the server starts, not for every greenlet created to handle each connection. If you want something called for every greenlet, pass in the `spawn` argument, e.g.,

def my_spawn(*args):
return Greenlet.spawn(*args, my_dict=get_the_dict())

StreamServer(("localhost", 8080), handle=my_handler, spawn=my_spawn)

Alternately (and probably preferably), you may be able to do what you want in your handler function, where gevent.getcurrent() is the executing greenlet.
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